host plant 【生植】宿主,寄生。
【生植】宿主,寄生。 “host“ 中文翻譯: host3 n. 1.一大群,許多。 2.〔 ...“plant“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.植物,草木 (opp. animal); 草本 ...“histologic reaction of host plant“ 中文翻譯: 寄生植物的組織反應“histological reaction of host plant“ 中文翻譯: 寄生組織反應“host plant specificity“ 中文翻譯: 植物寄生專化性“reaction of host plant“ 中文翻譯: 寄主植物反應“a host of“ 中文翻譯: 大量,許多; 許多,一大群; 眾多,大量“host“ 中文翻譯: n. 〔常 H- 〕【宗教】圣餅,圣餐用面包。 n. 1.主人 (opp. guest)。 2.(廣播、電視的)節目主持人。 3.旅館老板。 4.【生物學】寄主,宿主。 5.【物理學】晶核,基質。 a host country 東道國。 count [reckon] without one's host 不考慮某些重要因素[未與主要有關人員協商]作計劃;無視困難和反對 (You are counting without your host. 你是在打如意算盤)。 play host to 作東,招待。 vt. 主辦(宴會等);款待。 host3 n. 1.一大群,許多。 2.〔古語〕軍隊。 3.【計算機】主機(亦作host computer)。 a host of friends 一大群朋友。 a host of troubles 許許多多麻煩。 be a host in oneself 能以一當十一人能做很多人的事。 the host(s) of heaven 1. 【宗教】天使軍。 2. 日月星辰。 the Lord of H-s 【圣經】萬軍之主,上帝。 “host of“ 中文翻譯: 許多, 一大群“the host“ 中文翻譯: 駭人怪物; 韓流怪嚇; 漢江怪物“host to host“ 中文翻譯: 主機到主機“host-to-host“ 中文翻譯: 主機對主機“definitive host,final host“ 中文翻譯: 終宿主“hhc host to host connection“ 中文翻譯: 從主機到主機連接“host exchange, host“ 中文翻譯: 主機“host host protocol“ 中文翻譯: 主機對主機協議“host-host protocol“ 中文翻譯: 傳輸協議“host-to-host epidemic“ 中文翻譯: 宿主間的傳染“host-to-host protocol“ 中文翻譯: 主機到主機協議; 主機與主機協議“paratenic host (transport host)“ 中文翻譯: 轉續宿主“paratenic host,transport host“ 中文翻譯: 轉續宿主“in plant“ 中文翻譯: 在生長發育中; 在生長中“in-plant“ 中文翻譯: 廠內的; 近距離的, 局部的“on-plant“ 中文翻譯: 廠內的“plant“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.植物,草木 (opp. animal); 草本;〔商用語〕樹秧,苗木。 2.莊稼,作物,收獲;(植物的)生育。 3.設備,裝置;(工)廠,車間;(農)場;(研究所、醫院、大學等的)全部設備。 4.智力工作的工具〔書籍、實驗儀器等〕;方法。 5.〔俚語〕花招,詐欺;欺詐者。 6.〔英俚〕偵探。 7.(戲劇的)伏線。 8.〔美俚〕假裝觀眾的演員;(在歹徒等中布置的)內線。 9.有計劃的犯罪;贓品隱藏庫;歹徒巢窟;鴉片館;(逮捕罪犯的)圈套。 a pot plant 盆栽植物。 flowering plants 顯花植物。 ball plants 帶土(秧)苗。 cabbage plants 甘藍秧。 the humble [sensitive] plant 含羞草。 a manufacturing plant 制造廠。 a water [hydraulic] power plant 水力發電廠。 an arms plant 兵工廠。 a robotized plant 自動化工廠。 in plant 生長者,活著。 lose plant 枯死。 miss [fail in] plant 長不出;不發芽。 vt. 1.栽(樹、花),播(種);移植(植物);移民于(某處),殖(民)。 2.養(蠔等);放養(魚)。 3.安,放,裝,豎,插;創立,建設,設置,設立,樹立;布置(內線)。 4.刺,扎,插進 (in on) (把子彈)打進;〔俚語〕給與(打擊);〔拳擊俚〕看準打。 5.傳播,散播(新思想等),灌輸 (in)。 6.〔美俚〕埋,窩藏(贓品等);栽(贓)。 7.〔俚語〕把(砂金或礦砂等)放在礦里誘人來買;圖謀(欺騙等)。 plant a garden 培植庭園。 plant ideas in mind 把思想灌輸到心中。 plant one's fists in sb.'s face 用拳頭猛打某人的臉。 plant soldiers as colonists in the frontier districts 在邊境地區駐軍屯墾。 plant on 〔俚語〕拿假東西(賣)給人;向某人栽贓(把贓證暗藏在某人處,使他成為嫌疑犯)。 plant oneself 占一個位置;站住;站起來。 plant out (從盆等中)移植(到地上);隔相當的距離栽植;【造園】栽種植物遮住…。 -let 樹苗,小樹。
host specific |
Biodiversity exists among am fungi and is influenced by numerous factors including soil properties and plant species . if am fungi are to be used in sustainable agricultural systems it is necessary to study native am fungi in the target areas and then select efficient isolates that can be applied as inocula in the field to improve crop growth . the objectives of this study were to investigate the germplasm of am fungi , to understand the distribution pattern of am fungi in different ecological conditions such as area , soil factor and host plant , to select isolates effective in nutrient acquisition by the host plant sweet potato , to test their effectiveness under field conditions , and to monitor amf after their introduction into the field 本研究通過調查我國北方部分地區的am真菌資源,研究了am真菌的種群組成及其在空間、土壤利用方式和宿主植物類型等不同環境條件和空間尺度上的分布規律;在此基礎上,根據它們對甘薯的生長、吸磷效應篩選出高效菌株,在大田條件下研究了am真菌菌絲的分布特性、代謝活性及其對甘薯產量和品質的影響;并通過分子探針跟蹤調查了引入am真菌在共生體中的發育和表達,以期為菌根真菌的生產應用提供技術支持。 |
Influences on host plant cell pathology by tumv infection tumv particles were scattered in cytoplasm area of diseased cells separately or in bundles . the pinwheels , scrolls and laminated aggregates , which were the cross sections of cylindrical inclusion bodies , were observed under transmission electron microscope . meanwhile , pathological changes of diseased chloroplasts “ morphology and structure took place Tumv侵染寄主的細胞病理學特征利用透射電鏡觀察接種寄主細胞的超薄切片,分離自杭州榨菜上的tumv分離物jc - 1在青菜和芥菜的細胞質中病毒粒子分散或成束分布;細胞質中存在不同形態的柱狀內含體,分別為風輪體、卷筒體、片層聚集體;同時,葉綠體發生了形態和結構上的改變。 |
Ectomycorrhizal fungi are known to enhance growth of their host plants and increase the tolerance of woody plants growing under adverse soil conditions . it has therefore been suggested that ectomycorrhizal fungi can perhaps be used in the restoration of heavy metal contaminated soil in which woody plants are grown 外生菌根真菌與木本植物形成菌根共生體可以提高宿主植物抵御和適應重金屬污染環境的能力,其中真菌自身對重金屬的耐性和吸附作用是菌根減輕宿主植物毒害的基礎。 |
( am ) fungi exhibit low host specificity and form mutualistic associations with a wide range of host plant species over a wide range of environmental conditions . some characteristics of am fungi , including hyphal growth , distribution and metabolic activity , are closely related to mycorrhizal efficiency and to ecological function of am fungi , and may be influenced by host plant and soil conditions 叢枝菌根共生體由宿主植物和真菌共同組成,菌根真菌的生長、代謝活性、菌絲分布以及生態適應性等特征不但與菌根效應、菌根真菌的生態功能密切相關,而且受到宿主植物和土壤條件的影響。 |
Taken two heavy metal contaminated soils in copper mine field of hongtoushan area and lead - zinc mine field of qingchengzi area as sampling sites , studied the abundance and diversity of amf community and the relation of which to ecological factors ; two experiments were managed by pot culture and four - compartments culture system with festuca . rubra and red clover as host plants inoculated with gintraradices , gmosseae and gcaledordinum to study the effect of different amf on the uptake and accumulation of heavy metal in cd contaminated soil and cu > zn - pk cd complex - contaminated soil 采用盆栽、四室根箱培養的方法,研究了接種g . intraradicesg . mosseae和g . caledordinum在cd污染和cu 、 zn 、 pb 、 cd復合污染土壤中對紫羊茅、三葉草吸收、累積重金屬的影響,明確了叢枝菌根菌在重金屬污染土壤生物修復中的作用。主要結果如下: 1 、沈陽礦區重金屬污染土壤中,共發現叢枝菌根菌6個屬23個種,已鑒定22種, 1個未定種。 |
Previous studies have focused mainly on the influence of am fungi on the physiology of the host plant , and there are few published reports on the influence of the host plant on the growth and metabolic activity of am fungi 前人有關叢枝菌根共生體的研究大多偏重于真菌對宿主植物的生態效應方面,而在宿主植物對菌根真菌生長與代謝活性的效應方面,現有的研究還不深入,許多認識仍停留在經驗性或推測的水平上。 |
Influences on chloroplasts “ structure and chlorophyll concentration of host plants by tumv infection host plants began to take on systemic mosaic symptoms in the 15th day after having been inoculated with tumv jc - 1 Tumv侵染對葉綠體結構和葉綠素含量的影響接種tumvjc - 115d ,青菜和芥菜開始表現系統花葉,其葉綠體結構和葉綠素含量也發生了相應變化。 |
The hyphal density paralleling with ridge was much more higher than it in the non - inoculation treatment . a field experiment was carried out to test the effectiveness of the selected isolates with sweet potato as host plant 接種處理中平行于壟的方向的菌絲密度和活性菌絲密度顯著增加,根內菌絲的alp活性和根外菌絲的sdh活性提高。 |
The highest feeding frequency was found in the nymphs which reared successively on 0n rice plants , on 0n rice plants , implying that feeding frequencies of bph populations were related closely to their previous host plants 飼養在低氮稻株上的褐飛虱種群在低氮稻株上的取食頻次最高,褐飛虱種群的取食頻率與其前期飼養的寄主有關。 |
Arbuscular mycorrhizal ( am ) fungi are important soil microorganisms in agroecosystems by enhancing host plant survival and growth in adverse conditions such as soils with low nutrient availability or heavy metal contamination Am真菌是農業生態系中一類重要的土壤微生物,在農田土壤和工業污染區土壤中都廣泛存在。 |
Under the condition of p deficiency in host plant , am fungi grew well and its metabolic activity was also high , while p sufficiency , am fungi grew bad and its metabolic activity was low 土壤施植酸鈉也能促進菌根真菌的生長,其原因有待進一步研究。宿主植物與菌根真菌的生長狀況存在不同步性。 |
Turnip mosaic virus ( tumv ) and cucumber mosaic virus ( cmv ) are two worldwide spread plant rna viruses , whose damages to host plants are utmost serious 蕪菁花葉病毒( turnipmosaicvirus , tumv )和黃瓜花葉病毒( cucumbermosaicvirus , cmv )是兩種世界范圍內分布極為廣泛、危害極為嚴重的植物病毒。 |
The phylogenetic tree analysis showed no relationship to geographical origin or host plant with the above data . buds and shoot tips of field taro cultivars as explants were cultured , combined with ther 5ppm 、 lppmta處理將促進芋組培苗的生長,而5ppm 、 10ppmta處理將抑制芋組培苗的生長。 |
The positions of feeding and oviposition were shifted gradually from the bottom to upper of leaf sheath , and then to leaf blade with the reduction of nitrogen content in host plants 隨著稻株含氮量的下降褐飛虱取食和產卵的位置從葉鞘底部逐漸向上部轉移,直至葉片中脈。 |
Inhibition on photosynthesis of host plants by tumv infection after chinese cabbage and mustard having been infected with tumv , their photosynthetic abilities were restrained Tumv侵染對寄主植物光合作用效率的抑制青菜和芥菜接種tumv后,光合作用過程受到明顯抑制。 |
The parasitic herb grows on the roots of its host plant . nutrients are taken directly from the host rather than from the ground or produced from photosynthesis 香港蛇菰是寄生植物,藉依附其他植物的根部而生,直接從寄主而非從泥土攝取養份,也不進行光合作用。 |
Instead , the spaghetti - like weed smothers its host plant , injecting syringe - like needles into stems and leaves to suck out water and nutrients 取而代之的是,這些狀似意大利面的雜草會將注射器一樣的針芽注入宿主的莖和葉來吸取水和養分,從而讓它們的宿主窒息而死 |
Studies on the interrelationship among oligonychus ununguis host plants and amblyseius finlandicus . the olfactory responses of oligonychus ununguis to host plants and amblyseius finlandicus to preys 針葉小爪螨對寄主植物和芬蘭鈍綏螨對獵物的嗅覺反應 |
Studies on the interrelationship among oligonychus ununguis , host plants and amblyseius finlandicus . relationship between chemical component of host plants and development of oligonychus ununguis 寄主植物的化學組成與針葉小爪螨生長發育的關系 |